Randolph Solar 230kV Generation Intertie Line Project

This website provides information and opportunity for public comment for the Randolph Solar 230kV Generation Intertie Project in Coolidge, AZ.

Project Description

Randolph Solar Park LLC, a subsidiary of EDP Renewables North America, LLC (EDP Renewables), after discussions with Salt River Project Agricultural and Power District (SRP), is seeking two Certificates of Environmental Compatibility (CECs) from the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) for the Randolph Solar Project, a proposed 230 kV gen-tie line and associated substation facilities (Project). This Project would connect the future 1,290 acre 200 MW Randolph Solar Park project to the regional electric grid via the existing SRP Randolph Substation. The Project would be under two separate ownerships, the first portion would include approximately 0.18-mile owned and operated by Randolph Solar Park, LLC (CEC-1). The second portion would include the remaining approximate 0.22-mile portion and would be owned and operated by SRP (CEC-2). Please see the maps for further description of the CECs.

The proposed gen-tie line would be approximately 0.4 mile or 2,112 feet long and would originate at a proposed new substation within the Randolph Solar Project site and terminate at SRP’s Randolph switchyard located immediately adjacent to the proposed solar facility approximately 0.5 mile southeast of the intersection of State Route 287 and Randolph Road. The new line would be constructed within a 200-foot-wide right of way and the supporting structures for the line’s conductors would be no more than 105 feet tall.

Project Need

The Project need is to provide a new 230 kV gen-tie transmission line to interconnect the proposed Randolph Solar Park 200 MW photovoltaic facility and SRP’s existing Randolph Substation.

Project Features

EDP Renewables works hard to balance the energy needs of our customers while protecting the environment and existing features of the area. The Project is proposed in a heavily disturbed area with several existing industrial and utility land uses including multiple high-voltage transmission lines and the existing SRP Coolidge gas facility. The gen-tie transmission line structures will consist of double-circuit 230kV steel monopoles and are anticipated to be approximately 105 feet in height and would generally blend in with many of the existing landscape features.

Project Planning

In early 2021, EDP Renewables hired SWCA, an environmental consulting firm, to assist in evaluating the project site, to assess potential environmental impacts, and to support the public outreach process for the project. Baseline information about land use, visual, biological, cultural, and recreational resources for the area has been collected. Early in the project process, EDP Renewables began coordination with project area stakeholders including other utility partners and Pinal County in order to share project information and to collect input from them. 

Project Contact

On behalf of EDPR Renewables:

Theresa Knoblock, SWCA Project Manager

343 Franklin Street Tucson, AZ 85701

Email: Project@project.com

Phone: (520) 563-2041

Project Resources

Project Contacts

On behalf of EDPR Renewables:

Theresa Knoblock
SWCA Project Manager
343 Franklin Street Tucson, AZ 85701
Email: RandolphSolarOutreach@swca.com
Phone: (520) 563-2041